Top Job Posting Sites in Iran | CadsList

A number of local job finding businesses are assisting renewed interest in Iran following the nuclear agreement, while international companies return to the country after the nuclear agreement and local businesses look to expand their post-sanctions plans.

It was launched in 2003 that developed the first Iranian job website on the Internet. Iranians were helped by the site for the first time, often by foreign companies operating in the country at the time.

Most of the interactions with the website occurred in the latter half of the 2000s, according to the Web Archive website.

Besides, IranTalent is another popular job listing site. In the last month, IranTalent received 297,000 hits, far better than The Iranian talent site ranks 493rd among the top 500 websites in the country.

Among all Iranian job websites, has the most views. In 2012, the Internet site was launched and has maintained a steady lead ever since.ors, Iran accounts for more than 90%, followed by the US and the UK with 4% and 1%, respectively.. joined the growing list of Persian-only agencies since sanctions were imposed on Iran.

The site had 115,000 visitors last month and the average duration was five minutes, significantly higher than the incumbent leader. In addition, six pages are visited on average. launched in June 2015 as well, much like its competitors. There were 179,000 hits on the site through September, with an average viewing time of four minutes and a median viewing of three pages per visit.

According to the Web Archive, is another new entrant to the online job listings sector.

As of the end of August, the website had received 4,400 page views, down from a peak in January.