Social Network Links

One other thing outside of social bookmarks which is social networks and this is kind of the first link you should really be getting. I know I’m kind of covering it in kind of the middle but if you haven’t already you need to have these networks. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube and naturally you’ll have a Google Plus with that. Anything that you may want to get outside of this could be things like a tumbler, Pinterest, Instagram.

Those are kind of the big social networks as of today and at the end of the day there’s other ones that you may want to get on as well. I mean this list could go on forever we’re talking like you know read it and all types of other websites. But for the meantime we’re just going to focus on these. These are networks which means when you talk about this you’re talking about both a profile and a fan page.

Now there’s another one that you can do as well and I’ll kind of put that as a pipeline bar. This is a group but a group should be made only if you have a profile and a fan page. Your group is more to get someone involved inside of a specific product service or idea or a fan page. More of that general your profile is more of a personal.

So keep those in mind A Twitter of can you’re just going to have a profile here, You’ll just optimize it as SEO wise. Where you can LinkedIn profile for both biz and personals, so there are two types of profiles you can get. YouTube you’re going to end up having a channel and a Google Plus page, so you want to register that for a tumbler. You’re just getting a profile or a page Pinterest you’re going to have a page or a profile but then you’ll also have boards and each board will be different.

So there’s a lot of ways to get all the social media networks done. Reason why you want to claim all of these is because you’re going to be going over to profile pages articles submissions a ton of other things. They’re going to be asking you when you fill out those profiles.

The more that you include the social media networks. The bigger they become the bigger they become the more powerful they are. The more powerful they are the more that obviously increases your home page or your money Website.

hello hi


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